Helping Nonprofits Thrive. Because What You Do Matters.

Stansbury Consulting provides nonprofit consulting services in the areas of fundraising, leadership, and strategic planning for organizations of all sizes and missions. If you are looking for consulting experts who are proven authorities on nonprofit governance and fundraising for nonprofits, Stansbury Consulting is here to help.

Consulting Services to Achieve your Fundraising Goals

Visionary nonprofits have big dreams and typically a small, dedicated team of staff and volunteers to make it happen. We see you. We understand your struggles and respect your passion. Let us help you achieve your fundraising goals.

We show you how to:

  • evaluate your current fundraising program
  • develop a comprehensive, measurable plan
  • implement best practices to achieve fundraising results; and
  • provide personalized coaching throughout the process.

With over 30 years of experience, Stansbury Consulting has helped hundreds of organizations raise more money, retain current donors, recruit new donors, and launch major gift and legacy campaigns that earn the trust of loyal supporters, community stakeholders, and prominent philanthropists.

At Stansbury Consulting, we are experts in fundraising for nonprofits because we’ve been there – as fundraising staff, board members, founders, and donors. We have served nonprofits of all sizes with a wide range of missions and can personalize fundraising solutions for your organization at every stage of development.

Contact us today and inquire about our nonprofit consulting services to accelerate your fundraising success!

Consulting Services for Staff, Volunteers, & Board Leaders

CEOs and Executive Directors

Are you looking to hone your leadership skills? Whether you are an executive director, board member or other leader of a nonprofit organization, Stansbury Consulting can help. The firm has provided leadership coaching to CEO’s, Executive Directors, Board members,  Committee Chairs, and Development staff.

We know it can be lonely at the top. As seasoned nonprofit leaders and subject matter experts, we provide a confidential sounding board with expert advice for CEOs, Executive Directors, and Board Chairs. Personalized coaching is a cost-effective way to fine tune leadership skills, tackle current challenges, and accelerate outcomes.

Board of Directors

With years of experience in how to recruit a board of directors and increase engagement, Stansbury Consulting has helped nonprofit leaders strengthen and improve board governance and effectiveness. We work one-on-one with board leaders to improve your ability to lead and support a board of directors through challenging times.

From fostering thought leadership to developing your own leadership style, Stansbury Consulting can provide personalized coaching, board and staff education, and training. If you are looking for an experienced nonprofit management consultant with proven strategies for leadership growth and development, contact us today.

Strategic Planning:
Nonprofit Consulting Services to Advance Your Mission

We help nonprofits manage the challenges of strategic planning.
Strategic planning is challenging, but our approach is uniquely designed to help boards and executive leaders craft a plan that is relevant, realistic, and visionary.

Stansbury Consulting has helped organizations of all sizes develop action plans and strategic plans with measurable outcomes and timelines.
We are experts in the art of consensus building and know how to support leaders planning for an uncertain future.

If you are looking for more measurable results from your planning efforts, Stansbury Consulting can help you develop a nonprofit strategic plan to guide your organization through challenging times. Contact us today and inquire about our nonprofit consulting services for strategic planning.

Custom workshops, Conference Presentations, and Keynotes

Founder and President Alyce Lee Stansbury, CFRE loves to teach and engage nonprofit leaders at the local, state, and national level on fundraising, board governance and strategic planning for nonprofits.

If you’ve ever been disappointed by a speaker, you know what we mean when we say: there is a big difference between a subject matter expert and an engaging speaker. At Stansbury Consulting, we are both!

Alyce Lee earned her Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE) credential in  2002 and is a nationally certified as a Master Trainer (CMT) in Fundraising.  She delivers engaging presentations in all areas of nonprofit fundraising, leadership, and nonprofit governance. Contact us today and inquire about a custom training for your next event.

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Nonprofit consulting