Speaking Topics for a Nonprofit Audience

Looking for a Speaker on Nonprofit Leadership, Fundraising and Strategic Planning?

Looking for speaking topics to deliver to your organization related to leadership, fundraising and planning? Perhaps you’re looking to inspire your organization’s members or help your audience develop valuable nonprofit leadership skills, including board governance. Or perhaps you are hoping to offer insights into the most recent fundraising trends, ways to develop a plan for a capital campaign, or some of the best nonprofit board management tactics.

Alyce Lee Stansbury, CFRE is a sought-after speaker in the nonprofit industry. A seasoned expert with 30 years of experience advising CEOs, development staff, and boards of directors, she understands fundraising for nonprofits, leadership development, and planning for nonprofits.

Speak with an Expert Today!

Here is a list of some of Alyce Lee’s presentation titles from 2023 to help you
identify a speaking topic for your organization or event. (Please keep in mind we
can create custom presentations for specific audiences.)

Strategic Plans that Soar!
Building Better Boards – Leadership Tallahassee

Getting to Yes!
Nonprofit Leadership Center of Tampa Bay

Planned Giving Do’s, Don’ts & Best Practices
Consortium of Florida Education Foundations​

Strategic Planning
United Partners for Human Services – Executive Director Thought Leader Forum

Raising MORE money from LESS Donors
Nonprofit leadership Center of Tampa Bay

An Introduction to Planned Giving: Leaving a Legacy
Nonprofit Leadership Center of Tampa Bay

Boards that Sizzle: Better Engagement, Better Fundraising
Planet Philanthropy – Florida Caucus of AFP

Deepening Donor Loyalty
Alliance for Better Nonprofits, Knoxville, TN

Better Board, Better Plan, Bigger Impact
Preservation on Main Street – Florida Main Street Conference

Best Practices of High Performing Boards
Edyth Bush Institute for Philanthropy & Nonprofit leadership, Rollins College


Testimony from “Raising MORE money from LESS Donors” presentation:

“Alyce Lee did a great job welcoming and including everyone in the discussion. She was both informative and engaging. I loved hearing her speak.”

- Nonprofit leadership Center of Tampa Bay


Testimony from “An Introduction to Planned Giving: Leaving a Legacy” presentation:

“I came into the training with little knowledge of planned giving or how to implement it in my organization and I left with a much better understanding and a list of actions we can do right away to get started.”

- Nonprofit Leadership Center of Tampa Bay

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A Nonprofit Consulting Firm You Can Trust

Stansbury Consulting’s founder, Alyce Lee Stansbury, CFRE, is a Certified Fund Raising Executive. The CFRE credential is the only accredited certification for philanthropic fundraising professionals. This elite credential, which requires continued training and service to the profession, demonstrates Alyce Lee’s  commitment to professional growth and ethical fundraising practices.

Speaking Topics